DGFT Digital Signature is specially for EXIM Org who are having IEC Code in India. DGFT digital signature can only be Issued to Organization. DGFT Digital Signature is safe, reliable, time saver and friendly way to communicate with DGFT Website. Get DGFT digital signature from Buy DSC Delhi.
Documents Required For DGFT Digital Signature
General Instructions
While submitting the DGFT digital signature application form, please follow the general instructions listed below:
- Signature of the applicant should be in Blue Ink only
- Signature of the applicant should be as it is in ID proof
- Photo of the applicant in application form should be cross signed
- All supporting documents should be attested by either of Gazetted Officer / Bank Manager / Post Master
- For proof of attesting officer either one of the below is mandatory – Contact Details of Attesting Officer including the name, designation, office address and contact number. This should be as part of attestation. If provided separately, it should be attested either by Applicant or Attesting Officer. OR Self Attested copy of Organisational Identity card of attesting officer
- Organizational Documents can also be attested by Authorized Signatory If Organizational Documents are attested by Authorized signatory, attested copy of the organisational ID Card of the Authorized signatory is mandatory.