Digital Signature For EPFO

Buy DSC Delhi is one of the rapidly rising Digital Signature Certificate providers in Delhi NCR. Employees who are claiming their employee provided funds need to use class 2 Digital Signature Certificate for EPFO and at present, we are giving all types of DSC for various government applications and all that.
When it comes to making online PF transfer easy and hassle-free then Buy DSC Delhi is doing for you same tirelessly. With the effect of compulsory use of DSC, now authorized signatories of company’s can digitally sign utilizing Buy DSC Delhi Digital Signature Certificate and proceed with the PF form online in Employer Online Transfer Claim Portal.
Buy Class 2 DSC for EPFO
Employee Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) which is an authorized body to restore and release the PF of employee has launched a new mechanism to make online compliance of PF transfer claims by users in order to make the online transfer procedure effective, crystal clear and feasible for the employee. An applicant has now facilitated the online application of PF claim either via a current organization or the last one.
It is also viable for the employer to monitor and see all claims with comfort and authenticate, edit, authorize and submit the application online via this portal. Class 2 Digital Signature for EPFO of an authenticate applicant is needed for the online application of the claims. Variety of DSC is available to fulfill your demands but when you are submitting application in the Employer Transfer Claim portal then you will require Class 2 and Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate for the same.
A class 2 DSC is easily accessible for download after getting authenticated on the basis of authorized and pre-validated information and details.
When it comes to Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate, then it is the superior and a higher category of DSC which is allotted only post the applicant identity authentication has been successfully conducted by a Certifying Controller and Registration Authority.
Buy DSC Delhi provide the most affordable and quick digital signature certificate renewals within just 10 minutes. Get quick renewal without the requirement of a new USB Token. It is very easy to buy online DSC and you can send documents online, get approval and download the renewed DSC on your existing Token.
We are also offering Class 2 DSC for Income Tax Filing. Click here to know for more
The Proprietor or company owner can get Class 2, Class3 and above digital signature certificate from any authorized certifying authority recognized by Controller of Certifying Authorities for Digital Signature Certificate registration. We at Buy DSC Delhi are giving this facility to individuals and organizations and we are unit of Digital Signature Mart. To claim the EPFO transfer the DSC needs to be registered in the employer unified portal introduced by EPFO.
Get class 2 DSC for GST Return Filing here at
Steps to follow for the Registration of Digital Signature Certificate in EPFO Portal:
Step – 1. Go to Unified Employers Portal and login, after that in home page put the cursor on Establishment under menu bar tab and click on DSC
Step – 2. You need to write down authorized signatory details such as name, designation and contact number and “Type of Registration” in select Sign with your USB Token and press the button Submit to register your digital signature certificate
Step – 3. After that you will see a window that will as you “do you want to run this application”, then you need to Click Run on it.
Step – 4. You will see certificate that denotes the DSC holder’s name after the third step. You need to click on it to choose and then press Register DSC.
Note: Employers can upload a maximum of three authorized signatories.
Step – 5. lastly you necessarily need to enter the User pin that you receive from your vendors who gave you the DSC token. Enter the User Pin and click on Ok. You will receive messages which inform you about the successful registration of DSC.
Step – 6. Step Navigate to View Registered Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) in order to generate letter by clicking on it under the list of Authorized Signatory
Step – 7. Now download the Request letter and submit the DSC with Form 5A.
How Digital Signature is beneficial in claiming EFO fund transfer Claims
One of the virtues of DSC is that it is can ever be doctored and the original message of the sender can never be edited and it will only go to the authorized senders only. DSC is generally used to verifying the online identity of the senders of online messages and documents.
When a user or applicant browses Online Transfer Claim Portal, he/she can view the information regarding claim request, authenticate/ edit member’s details, approval request and submit the application online.
If any individual working with an employer’s file online claim, the employer will be informed. The employer will get the message on the registered mobile number of an authorized signatory. The employer will get daily updates of information on the pending application made by previous employees.
The employee needs to submit the receipt of the online claim to the company owner. If anyhow the company owner doesn’t get the online claim request within 15 days of submission of online application of claim then the claim application of the employee can be rejected
Nevertheless, company owners are highly suggested to communicate the applicant instead of rejecting the online PF transfer claim. The employer can see the contact detail of employees in the claim application and contact employees easily.