What is The Process of Digital Signature Application
To apply for digital signature certificate, you can apply online through our digital signature provider in Delhi, India. The process of downloading the certificate is simplified for a better understanding of the following mentioned steps.
- Application by the DSC Applicant – The Applicant has to fill the prescribed Digital Signature Application Form with required particulars and have to sign the same personally and the physical application is to be submitted to Registration Authority for enrollment.
- Enrollment of the application by RA – The Registration Authority shall make enrollment of Digital Signature Application with the portal of Certification Authority for the issue of DSC. After verification documents and application by RA, video/mobile verification requests for the applicant will be initiated.
- Video Verification for DSC Approval – After submitting the application and documents to Buydscdelhi.com, the applicant will get a web link for video verification. Video verification can be completed with the computer & mobile.
- Mobile No./Tele Verification – After video verification, the applicant should also complete verification of “Mobile Number” given in the application form. The applicant must send an SMS to XXXXXXXXXX in the below format from the applicant mobile number mentioned in the application.
- Download of DSC to E-Token – After both the verification, the applicant will get an authentication code for downloading the digital signature certificate. On receipt of the authentication code, the digital signature certificate can be downloaded to the E-Token Storage device.
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